Now let us look into the law: You are what you think, not what you think you are
Normally, if you ask someone, who are you? The answer may come as I am a manager in MNC, I am son of Mr. so and so, I am a businessman, I am Doctor, I am Engineer or Architect or IT professional…
All this is true, but it is your “identification” to something else! As far as your subtle (mental) personality is concerned, in reality, it may or may not be true. For example, I am an Electrical Engineer by education, but last 30 years I worked in oil & gas industry in the specialized field of Asset Integrity Management. These days I do NOT think like an Electrical Engineer. So, my Electrical Engineering background is NOT creating my reality. Thus, I am NOT what I think I am…
The law says, you are what you think, not what you think you are. Hope, this is now clear.
Now let us understand the science of miraculous. Read this true example carefully. As a young student, I attended a hypnosis show. My friend went on stage. He was hypnotized and given suggestion that his body will become stiff and as strong as iron bar. It did. He was sleeping, supported by two chairs on two extremes, one under his head, another supporting his feet. A heavyweight man was invited from audience who stood on his stomach and my slim and week friend could bear his 100 Kg + weight under hypnotic condition, which otherwise is not possible. But under hypnotic suggestion, he BELIEVED so he could! This is MIND over matter. If mind believes, body can do! This is how earlier records are broken in every Olympic!
Let me give you one more example from the same hypnosis show. My friend was given a burning amber in his palm, with a suggestion that it is an ice cube. He was holding the burning coal for few minutes, and nothing happened to his skin. No burns… with this experience, I was deeply convinced in my childhood, about this law. You are what you think and believe! Your belief system creates your reality! If you want more scientific explanation, Read the book: Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton.
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