Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Universal Law 10


This is the most fundamental law in universe and it’s understanding gives us answers to many of our existential questions. So, we are going to spend little more time on this law, to become absolutely clear!

“As you sow, so shall you reap!” is the simplest way to describe this law. This simplest statement is not understood or misunderstood because of “TIME” factor involved between “CAUSE” and “EFFECT”.

Some actions give instant results, such as putting wood in fire, it starts burning immediately. Some other actions have delayed results. Such as sowing a seed… It will take some time to sprout and will take even more time to become huge tree to bear fruits.

Our life is heavily governed by this law, whether we know it or not, like it or not, believe it or not! Law of karma will take care of everyone irrespective of our education, affluence, intelligence, power and position.

Now let us connect it to the previous law. We create our reality through our karma. Our past karma has created our present destiny and our present karma are creating our future destiny. So, there is no one else writing our destiny. We ourselves create or write our own destiny with our karma!!

Now let us understand how this law works. We make all our decisions by thinking intelligently (Is it not?). But our intellect on which we so heavily rely, is not an independent reliable faculty. The sutra says, “Buddhi karmanu sarini” which means our intellect works according to the promptings of our karma.

There is another sutra which says, “Karma buddhyanu sarinim” which means whatever actions we do are in line with our intellectual thinking. Thus every human being on planet earth is caught up in this vicious circle of above two facts.

Whatever good or bad actions we do we have to enjoy or suffer. Good and bad do not nullify each other. So, if we do good action, its result must be enjoyed, it is a compulsion.

Similarly, fruits of our bad karma, we have to suffer, it is a compulsion. Nobody can escape from this law, not even God in human body, because this law works on human body. It is said, whole of humanity has signed an MOU to follow this law on planet earth and so, nobody can escape from it. Through this law only we grow as human being. It is very much a part of big drama to help us grow, with every experience.

Now let us go even more deeper, how exactly it works? It works in accordance with cycle of Karma (Action) – Samskara (Psychic Impressions) – Vasanas (Tendencies) – Vritties (Thought-Emotional Patterns). Our actions are stored as Psychic impressions in our sub-conscious mind. These psychic impressions are responsible for our various sub-conscious tendencies, which in turn create our thought patterns and we operate in this world (take action) within the limitations of these patterns! This is how, Law of Karma is working with absolute perfection!

So, how do we use this law in our favor to be successful? Consciously do good karma and good will come back to you.

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Universal Law 10

  This is the most fundamental law in universe and it’s understanding gives us answers to many of our existential questions. So, we are goin...