Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Universal Law 6


If you have studied earlier law properly, it is much easier to understand this. In fact, this law gives us wonderful manifestation technique.

In this world, everything is created twice… First time in mind, second time in physical format.

An architect visualizes and creates a building in mind first. He puts his visualized design on paper, gives it to builder, who builds it as per design and it appears in front of eyes. But was it not created in MIND earlier? Can it appear directly in physical form?

We all are creating everything in this world, by this law only. Sometimes, knowingly, most of the time unconsciously… and that is why we create those things in our life, which we do not want! This is because of holding the negative thoughts in our mind.

Whatever thoughts we hold in our mind and energize them repeatedly, will manifest. If we hold positive thoughts in our mind and energize them with our emotions, attention and action, we manifest them in real world, faster!

In the same way, if we energize miraculous thoughts in our mind, we can create miracles!

Once you learn to FOCUS on any thought energize it regularly by giving inputs on three fronts:

(1) Emotions

(2) Attention

(3) Action.

That thought will manifest in the physical reality.

Most people fail at the level of action. They think, just by thinking they will manifest. That is not true. Some action to bring it to the material world is necessary. Look into this example. An architect visualizes a building very vividly, puts in lots of emotions and gives attention to it to manifest in material world. Will it manifest? I wonder… unless someone builds it as per that design. So, now we understand that ACTION is necessary. And that action may or may not be from your side. Once you energize a thought, it may get picked up by someone else and that person may start working on it and manifest it.

This law works in many ways. Once a thought is energized, it becomes very powerful. If it is released in certain way, existence will find out thousand different ways to manifest it. This kind of manifestation needs understanding of few more laws. As we progress, we will understand this miraculous manifestation too!

Spiritual Masters use this law by following technique:

Seat in deep meditation and go into "Turya state" first. Then bring and hold a single thought in mind continuously for minimum 65 seconds (without break or any other thoughts in between). 100% focus is needed to this intention. This will manifest the thought in 3 dimensional reality.

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