Saturday, October 30, 2021

Universal Law 4


The dynamics of growth need to be maneuvered in strategic manner for smooth sailing, otherwise rapid growth can drive you crazy! You also need to grow in personal effectiveness through continuous learning and HABIT control on day to day basis. New situations will demand new Knowledge, new Skills and new Attitudes. While growing faster on spiral path, if you do not learn, the negative spiral will take over and down fall also is equally prominent. So, yes, there is a risk and it has to be addressed to.

This is where the law of depth comes into picture. Once you find your GAP, FOCUS on GAP, GROW in GAP. Keep learning, keep maneuvering, keep growing on the same lines by serving more and more number of people. But, on the way, you also have to dig deep, really deep! You must know your subject well and must be in a position to satisfy, nay, delight your customers by understanding their needs and fulfilling their needs beyond their expectations. This will delight the customer, for sure.

Once you have found a GAP in the market for your product or services you start growing very fast. Always move deeper. Avoid growing in breadth, consciously. Aim more precisely and find better solutions to fulfill your customer’s needs in less time and at less cost. This will give you steadiness in business. This will give you depth in inter-related structure and fantastic steadiness where you cannot be toppled by more learned but less experienced newcomers with updated knowledge and better analytical skills.

As you go deeper, you understand your customer’s mindset better. With better EQ, you learn to address to your customer’s needs better. As you help them solve their problems with better solutions at lower cost, you gain undisputed reputation in the market and in the same proportion your goodwill grows.

Goodwill and reputation are the best assets for any businessman. These non-tangible assets are far more superior to your tangible assets such as factory, machinery etc., because non tangible assets do not depreciate, have no taxation issues and bring in tremendous amount of profits to you because of repeat orders. This is the real secret of success and prosperity! Now let us see how this law of depth helps in spiritual dimension…

First you focus on breathing…. Watch your breath… witness your thoughts…. Find the GAP between the two thoughts. Focus on GAP. GAP grows naturally. Now apply the law of depth. Go deeper in this GAP. As you dive deep you get diamonds! You need to dive really deep into meditation to get those diamonds, waiting for you.

Now let us see how this law of depth helps in spiritual dimension…

First you focus on breathing…. Watch your breath… witness your thoughts…. Find the GAP between the two thoughts. Focus on GAP. GAP grows naturally. Now apply the law of depth. Go deeper in this GAP. As you dive deep you get diamonds! You need to dive really deep into meditation to get those diamonds, waiting for you.

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