Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Universal Law 1

If you observe nature attentively, everything is as per law. Bud becomes flower in a certain way only. All flowers will have certain number of petals, as per the law! Banana leaf opens up in a certain way only. Pineapple skin design follows the law!

The way a plant grows… or a child grows or a business grows is the same. All “Growth” follow certain dynamics which is as per the law of spiral growth. Nature uses it as a fundamental law of growth! It is followed with mathematical precision. It is understood with the help of Fibonacci numbers.
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144… each number is sum of previous two numbers. The spiral growth follows this mathematical model.

If you find it difficult to understand Fibonacci numbers, Here is a link from web for additional study:

An interesting video on Fibonacci Sequence in Nature 

Now let us turn inward… Watch your breath…. Witness your thoughts….

What kind of thinking patterns you have? Is it linear? Is it circular?

Linear thinking means you do certain thing for certain thing to happen. E.g. Switch on to get light.
Circular thinking means my doing or non-doing does not make any difference, whatever happens, happens as per the will of God and I must accept it as per my fate.

If you ponder over it, you will find both are true to certain extent. In our life, we are able to control few things with our actions (linear thinking); while many things happen in our life, on which we have no control and we need to accept them as part of our fate or destiny! (Circular thinking). So the spiral thinking seems to be right thinking. As per spiral thinking, we need to put daily efforts to open up the circle of destiny to create the life of our choice. If we do not put efforts, destiny takes over fully! On the other hand, however mighty efforts we may put, some component of destiny remains in governing our life. (Ponder over it to experience the truth of these statements)

All right! So how do we benefit from this law to become Enlightened Billionaire?
Put intelligent efforts in-line with your long term strategy to create the life of your choice, on day to day basis. This is the way to open the spiral and change the destiny. Meditate daily – open the spiritual spiral – on day to day basis. This will help you grow in spiritual dimension. As both the spirals (material as well as spiritual) open, you are on d way to become Enlightened Billionaire. Please understand, there is nothing like overnight success or overnight failure. But miracles are produced by following the natural laws on daily basis. Over a period of time, you will see the miracles!

Related session with explanation of this law by RPA at Session 74B - Law of Spiral Growth - YouTube

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