Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Universal Law 10


This is the most fundamental law in universe and it’s understanding gives us answers to many of our existential questions. So, we are going to spend little more time on this law, to become absolutely clear!

“As you sow, so shall you reap!” is the simplest way to describe this law. This simplest statement is not understood or misunderstood because of “TIME” factor involved between “CAUSE” and “EFFECT”.

Some actions give instant results, such as putting wood in fire, it starts burning immediately. Some other actions have delayed results. Such as sowing a seed… It will take some time to sprout and will take even more time to become huge tree to bear fruits.

Our life is heavily governed by this law, whether we know it or not, like it or not, believe it or not! Law of karma will take care of everyone irrespective of our education, affluence, intelligence, power and position.

Now let us connect it to the previous law. We create our reality through our karma. Our past karma has created our present destiny and our present karma are creating our future destiny. So, there is no one else writing our destiny. We ourselves create or write our own destiny with our karma!!

Now let us understand how this law works. We make all our decisions by thinking intelligently (Is it not?). But our intellect on which we so heavily rely, is not an independent reliable faculty. The sutra says, “Buddhi karmanu sarini” which means our intellect works according to the promptings of our karma.

There is another sutra which says, “Karma buddhyanu sarinim” which means whatever actions we do are in line with our intellectual thinking. Thus every human being on planet earth is caught up in this vicious circle of above two facts.

Whatever good or bad actions we do we have to enjoy or suffer. Good and bad do not nullify each other. So, if we do good action, its result must be enjoyed, it is a compulsion.

Similarly, fruits of our bad karma, we have to suffer, it is a compulsion. Nobody can escape from this law, not even God in human body, because this law works on human body. It is said, whole of humanity has signed an MOU to follow this law on planet earth and so, nobody can escape from it. Through this law only we grow as human being. It is very much a part of big drama to help us grow, with every experience.

Now let us go even more deeper, how exactly it works? It works in accordance with cycle of Karma (Action) – Samskara (Psychic Impressions) – Vasanas (Tendencies) – Vritties (Thought-Emotional Patterns). Our actions are stored as Psychic impressions in our sub-conscious mind. These psychic impressions are responsible for our various sub-conscious tendencies, which in turn create our thought patterns and we operate in this world (take action) within the limitations of these patterns! This is how, Law of Karma is working with absolute perfection!

So, how do we use this law in our favor to be successful? Consciously do good karma and good will come back to you.

Universal Law 9


In this law no 9, we are not talking about the ultimate reality but “Experience of our personal reality”. Our thoughts and our belief system create whatever we are experiencing as our personal reality. If two persons are in same situation, both will perceive it differently, based on their fears, worries, thoughts, emotions and beliefs.

Now, if it is true that we create our own reality then why not everyone creates best experiences for oneself? This is so because of our unconscious thinking and behavior. Most people on this planet earth are not aware of what they are thinking, the self-dialogue that goes on within! Thus, because of our unconscious thinking and behavior we create our reality which is not as per our liking.

The best learning is to learn to become aware. Right now become aware of your breath… Witness your thoughts. Become aware of your feelings… Now, if you notice that it is not in accordance with what you want, change it. You have the power of choice. Choose wisely. Choose better options. Choose miraculous options!

We can use this law for creating miraculous reality by increasing our awareness and going beyond polar opposites and start creating our reality from that “Miraculous Zone”. Most people need to learn this through meditation.

Our thoughts are always caught up in positive and negative. Most people who teach positive thinking have missed the point. Life moves through “Polar Opposites”; Positive & Negative, Day & Night, Male & Female etc. The basis of polar opposites is they exist together or else they do not exist! Those who are teaching “positive Thinking” is like running away with only North Pole of a magnet, which is never possible! If North Pole is there, South Pole has to be there.

*If Positive is there, Negative has to be there. Both exist together or both do not exist. That is why we have to grow in awareness and go beyond polar opposites.* This is to get into that miraculous zone of non-duality, from where we create our miraculous experiences of our personal reality!

Now, how do we apply it practically? For that let us understand that there is “Inner Reality” which is made up of our thoughts, feelings, beliefs etc. and our “Outer Reality” which is situations, people, market forces etc. Now how do we perceive our outer reality depends on our inner reality. We may not have much control on outer reality but we can very much control our inner reality and thus gain some powers to control outer reality as well.

Understand it this way – We cannot change the situation, but we can convert our reactions to responses and create better experience of our personal reality of that situation.

Thus by implementing this law we can create ample material resources and great quality of life by changing our thoughts, feelings and beliefs and becoming conscious co-creators!

Monday, November 8, 2021

Universal Law 8


Many a times, it seems that Law no 7 does not work for us. It may be because of:

(1) Not having enough patience, or

(2) Too much of expectations.

Law no 8 says, let go of expectations and receive!

But how do we let go of expectations? In fact, we are learning these laws because we do expect our material growth. So, expectation is very basic with which we start. 

Yes, it is basic to human nature, but as we are learning and growing, we now need to understand that our expectation blocks our manifestation capacity and does not allow us to receive. So, now, we must learn to let go of expectations.

If you are waiting for your beloved and expecting her to come fast, it is called “Pratiksha” (waiting with expectation) but if you learn to wait for your beloved without any expectation it is called “Titiksha” (waiting without expectation). It is a spiritual quality where we let go of expectations and just wait with loving heart! Try it, it is not all that difficult.

Thus, once we learn to let go of expectation, receiving becomes easy and natural.

Same is true in spiritual dimension. The ultimate that can happen to human consciousness does not happen because we expect too much. In fact, it happens in an unknown moment when expectations are not there. You may call it as Enlightenment or Self-realization or know it by any other words, it makes no difference!

Expectation is a thought. When you are fully rooted in thoughtless zone, with your highest awareness, how can expectation exist in that highly volatile flux?

Close your eyes… Watch your breath… Witness your thoughts… Go deeper by increasing your sensitivity and awareness… At one point you will understand what is the meaning of “Highly volatile flux” which is a “Thought Free Zone” where thought cannot enter! This is the end of expectation!

You simply receive and be grateful!

Bruce Lee was highly influenced by the great Spiritual Master J. Krishnamurti. Read these thoughts of Bruce Lee on expectations…

“Give up all expectations and let nature take its course. Sometimes to lose control is the best possible thing that can happen to us. It releases us from the shackles of pain that comes from expectations and teaches us faith and to be calm. We soon discover on that journey that our actions are more perfect than we believed. We start to love what is, at every gifted moment." ~ Bruce Lee

Here is a formula to understand what is the relationship between expectation and happiness:

Expectations are root cause of all unhappiness in life. All Enlightened Masters have reached to a state where they have absolutely “no expectation” from anything or anyone in this world. Therefore they experience “infinite happiness” all the time. They know what you need will come to you at a divine time, so no point in expecting anything.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Universal Law 7


In the previous law we understood that if energize a thought powerfully, existence has thousand different ways to manifest! In this law, we go even further. We can ask the existence for what we want, we believe that it is possible, and we receive exactly what we ask for!

This law really sounds miraculous! Yes, it is!! But we need to understand at very deeper level, how this can happen.

Existence responds to our Personal Energetic Vibrational Frequency (PEVF). Read more here: http://premnirmal.guru/what-is-pevf/

Whatever is our vibrational frequency, we get that thing instantly because like a magnet we attract that. Our communication channel with existence follows certain rules and regulations of bandwidth. The bandwidth is decided by our vibrational frequency. Let us refer to the fantastic work done by a great scientist Dr. David Hawkins in creating the logarithmic scale of consciousness and measurement of various frequencies associated with various levels of consciousness.

Now, as per this scale, if we learn to vibrate at Love and above frequencies (500 +) we can create miracles in relationships! If we learn to vibrate at 700+ frequencies, we can create miracles at mass level. For better scientific understanding of this, read the book “Power v/s Force” by Dr. David Hawkins.

Now, come back to this law. It says, “Ask – Believe and Receive!”

The first step is “Ask”. How to ask? We can ask the existence by vibrating at a particular frequency for what we want, as per above scale of consciousness. Please note that it is NOT verbal asking, as we ask God in our prayers. It is vibrational asking, because existence understand the language of vibrations and responds immediately to this language. (Here, you another very BIG secret!) 

Second step is Believe. Read law no 5 once again to understand the importance of Belief system. We have to have a very powerful belief system (some people call it Faith). Once you believe, you go to third step.

Third step is “Receive”. How do we receive? It can be any way! Not necessarily as per your imagination, because existence finds out its own way to give!

Please note that what you have asked, need not come as dramatically as you see in movies and serials. (with lightning and thunder, Gods showering flowers from heaven!) It may simply come to you through a friend or even an unknown person, who at times, does it, without any valid reason.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Universal Law 6


If you have studied earlier law properly, it is much easier to understand this. In fact, this law gives us wonderful manifestation technique.

In this world, everything is created twice… First time in mind, second time in physical format.

An architect visualizes and creates a building in mind first. He puts his visualized design on paper, gives it to builder, who builds it as per design and it appears in front of eyes. But was it not created in MIND earlier? Can it appear directly in physical form?

We all are creating everything in this world, by this law only. Sometimes, knowingly, most of the time unconsciously… and that is why we create those things in our life, which we do not want! This is because of holding the negative thoughts in our mind.

Whatever thoughts we hold in our mind and energize them repeatedly, will manifest. If we hold positive thoughts in our mind and energize them with our emotions, attention and action, we manifest them in real world, faster!

In the same way, if we energize miraculous thoughts in our mind, we can create miracles!

Once you learn to FOCUS on any thought energize it regularly by giving inputs on three fronts:

(1) Emotions

(2) Attention

(3) Action.

That thought will manifest in the physical reality.

Most people fail at the level of action. They think, just by thinking they will manifest. That is not true. Some action to bring it to the material world is necessary. Look into this example. An architect visualizes a building very vividly, puts in lots of emotions and gives attention to it to manifest in material world. Will it manifest? I wonder… unless someone builds it as per that design. So, now we understand that ACTION is necessary. And that action may or may not be from your side. Once you energize a thought, it may get picked up by someone else and that person may start working on it and manifest it.

This law works in many ways. Once a thought is energized, it becomes very powerful. If it is released in certain way, existence will find out thousand different ways to manifest it. This kind of manifestation needs understanding of few more laws. As we progress, we will understand this miraculous manifestation too!

Spiritual Masters use this law by following technique:

Seat in deep meditation and go into "Turya state" first. Then bring and hold a single thought in mind continuously for minimum 65 seconds (without break or any other thoughts in between). 100% focus is needed to this intention. This will manifest the thought in 3 dimensional reality.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Universal Law 5


Now let us look into the law: You are what you think, not what you think you are

Normally, if you ask someone, who are you? The answer may come as I am a manager in MNC, I am son of Mr. so and so, I am a businessman, I am Doctor, I am Engineer or Architect or IT professional…

All this is true, but it is your “identification” to something else! As far as your subtle (mental) personality is concerned, in reality, it may or may not be true. For example, I am an Electrical Engineer by education, but last 30 years I worked in oil & gas industry in the specialized field of Asset Integrity Management. These days I do NOT think like an Electrical Engineer. So, my Electrical Engineering background is NOT creating my reality. Thus, I am NOT what I think I am…

The law says, you are what you think, not what you think you are. Hope, this is now clear.

Now let us understand the science of miraculous. Read this true example carefully. As a young student, I attended a hypnosis show. My friend went on stage. He was hypnotized and given suggestion that his body will become stiff and as strong as iron bar. It did. He was sleeping, supported by two chairs on two extremes, one under his head, another supporting his feet. A heavyweight man was invited from audience who stood on his stomach and my slim and week friend could bear his 100 Kg + weight under hypnotic condition, which otherwise is not possible. But under hypnotic suggestion, he BELIEVED so he could! This is MIND over matter. If mind believes, body can do! This is how earlier records are broken in every Olympic!

Let me give you one more example from the same hypnosis show. My friend was given a burning amber in his palm, with a suggestion that it is an ice cube. He was holding the burning coal for few minutes, and nothing happened to his skin. No burns… with this experience, I was deeply convinced in my childhood, about this law. You are what you think and believe! Your belief system creates your reality! If you want more scientific explanation, Read the book: Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton.

Now, if we can change the belief system of a person, we can create miracles, right?

Now let us see, how we can apply this law in material world. If we develop powerful belief system, we can produce better results and grow faster. There are many young
CEOs… They believe in their own abilities; they make it happen! So also YOU CAN!!!

With this law, we shift from “I can’t” to I can. This “I can” attitude is very powerful for material as well as spiritual growth.

Our personality has three layers.

1) Physical: Body, dressing sense, hairstyle, make-up, looks etc.

2) Subtle: Mental/Emotional: Thought Patterns, Emotional Patterns, Attitudes, Intellectual capacity, Logic, Intuition etc.

3) Causal: Our karma (actions); past karmic impressions (Psychic Impressions), Sanchit Karmas (storehouse of past karmas)

Beyond these three layers of personality, is your true Self, Your Awareness!

At Body level, you are what you eat!

At Mind level, you are what you think!

Whatever we think continuously, becomes our belief system.

Whatever we believe, becomes our reality!

Our belief system plays a major role in our success. If we have limiting belief system, it limits our growth. If we have powerful belief system, it propels our growth!

If we have full control over our mind and make it still, we can outgrow the belief system altogether. If we can then focus our full energy to go beyond all barriers, we can then create MIRACLES.

Universal Law 10

  This is the most fundamental law in universe and it’s understanding gives us answers to many of our existential questions. So, we are goin...