Saturday, October 30, 2021

Universal Law 4


The dynamics of growth need to be maneuvered in strategic manner for smooth sailing, otherwise rapid growth can drive you crazy! You also need to grow in personal effectiveness through continuous learning and HABIT control on day to day basis. New situations will demand new Knowledge, new Skills and new Attitudes. While growing faster on spiral path, if you do not learn, the negative spiral will take over and down fall also is equally prominent. So, yes, there is a risk and it has to be addressed to.

This is where the law of depth comes into picture. Once you find your GAP, FOCUS on GAP, GROW in GAP. Keep learning, keep maneuvering, keep growing on the same lines by serving more and more number of people. But, on the way, you also have to dig deep, really deep! You must know your subject well and must be in a position to satisfy, nay, delight your customers by understanding their needs and fulfilling their needs beyond their expectations. This will delight the customer, for sure.

Once you have found a GAP in the market for your product or services you start growing very fast. Always move deeper. Avoid growing in breadth, consciously. Aim more precisely and find better solutions to fulfill your customer’s needs in less time and at less cost. This will give you steadiness in business. This will give you depth in inter-related structure and fantastic steadiness where you cannot be toppled by more learned but less experienced newcomers with updated knowledge and better analytical skills.

As you go deeper, you understand your customer’s mindset better. With better EQ, you learn to address to your customer’s needs better. As you help them solve their problems with better solutions at lower cost, you gain undisputed reputation in the market and in the same proportion your goodwill grows.

Goodwill and reputation are the best assets for any businessman. These non-tangible assets are far more superior to your tangible assets such as factory, machinery etc., because non tangible assets do not depreciate, have no taxation issues and bring in tremendous amount of profits to you because of repeat orders. This is the real secret of success and prosperity! Now let us see how this law of depth helps in spiritual dimension…

First you focus on breathing…. Watch your breath… witness your thoughts…. Find the GAP between the two thoughts. Focus on GAP. GAP grows naturally. Now apply the law of depth. Go deeper in this GAP. As you dive deep you get diamonds! You need to dive really deep into meditation to get those diamonds, waiting for you.

Now let us see how this law of depth helps in spiritual dimension…

First you focus on breathing…. Watch your breath… witness your thoughts…. Find the GAP between the two thoughts. Focus on GAP. GAP grows naturally. Now apply the law of depth. Go deeper in this GAP. As you dive deep you get diamonds! You need to dive really deep into meditation to get those diamonds, waiting for you.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Universal Law 3


Our educational system with exams and gradation is good and it also instills competitive spirit in us. More competitive we are, better it is for our survival. Survival of fittest is what we learn through our educational system. In nature also it is there and it is true in most cases in forest.

In nature, if you look minutely, there is another law which is more prominent and that is growing in the gap. If you see, how a plant grows… Leaves are not competing with each other… rather they are growing in the gap that gives enough space to each other to grow. Flowers also grow into the gap. They do not compete with each other. There is great amount of cooperative spirit within a system in nature. Huge trees absorb lots of water through their roots when ample water is available but they also release this water for survival of grass and bushes when there is no water available.

Similarly, animals also work in harmony in natural systems. (Rule: Tiger protects forest; Forest protects Tiger). Food chain is important for survival in nature and you can see competition and cooperation existing side by side in natural systems.

If we, as human beings, shift our focus from competitiveness to cooperation, we grow better, individually as well as a group or community, or as nation and ultimately as humanity in oneness. Are you aware of huge amounts of funds being spent on defense in each country which is because of competitiveness and fear of war? If we focus on cooperation, and develop trust based relationships, all that money can be saved along with thousands of lives!

At individual growth level, let us understand this concept of growing in the GAP. If, in a street there is a General Practitioner doctor and another GP comes next door, what will happen? Both will get less no of patients and their own survival become difficult. But if incoming person starts a medical shop, it is in harmony with the system and both will do better service to people around and also earn well.

Similarly, if there is a cloth shop, we need a tailor nearby! Thus, if one finds harmonious GAP in market, gets established faster and will have steady business.

Hope you are getting the law… Now let us see how we apply it in our day to day living to become enlightened billionaire!

Know your talents and strengths, sharpen your skills, find the GAP in the market and fulfill the need of your “Target Audience” or “Customers” in a very unique way which no one else is doing and start seeing your income increasing! As you serve more people, more name, fame, money, power everything starts coming your way with effortless ease! So, I am sure, you got a big secret of prosperity here! (If you haven’t…. Read again!)

Related session with explanation of this law by RPA at 

Session - 76A - Law of Focusing on Gap - YouTube

Session - 76B - Law of Focusing on Gap - YouTube

Universal Law 2


When energy is equally distributed or scattered it may not be that useful, but if it can be concentrated, its utility may increase in most cases. Sun rays are available to us and they are useful but if we concentrate them using magnifying glass, a concentrated beam of sun rays can easily create fire, burn paper, cook food in solar cooker… thus increasing utility.

So, we can say that concentrated energy produces better results than scattered energy, in most applications (But not always so… It is application based!) Now turn inward… watch your breath… witness your thoughts… Is your psychic energy scattered or concentrated? Is your thought flow concentrated and focused or is it scattered? If we learn to focus our psychic energy on the task at hand, naturally we become more effective.

We can create focus by doing Jyoti Tratak (Gazing at Candle flame) or even better by doing sun gazing. Once our thought force is concentrated like a laser beam, it can achieve a lot more. Focused mind can achieve lot more than scattered mind. So, we must learn to develop better focus and for longer duration.

In sports too, any player who has better focus and concentration is more likely to win the game. So also is the case with meditators. One who focuses on reducing the thought flow and avoids the scattering of psychic energy, will attain to peace. 

If we focus on our work at hand and finish better and faster, we become more effective. Our productivity increases that results in to better profitability. Same way, if you focus on your breath, your thoughts will reduce faster, creating better meditation experience. Either way, it will help us grow!

Related session with explanation of this law by RPA at

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Universal Law 1

If you observe nature attentively, everything is as per law. Bud becomes flower in a certain way only. All flowers will have certain number of petals, as per the law! Banana leaf opens up in a certain way only. Pineapple skin design follows the law!

The way a plant grows… or a child grows or a business grows is the same. All “Growth” follow certain dynamics which is as per the law of spiral growth. Nature uses it as a fundamental law of growth! It is followed with mathematical precision. It is understood with the help of Fibonacci numbers.
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144… each number is sum of previous two numbers. The spiral growth follows this mathematical model.

If you find it difficult to understand Fibonacci numbers, Here is a link from web for additional study:

An interesting video on Fibonacci Sequence in Nature 

Now let us turn inward… Watch your breath…. Witness your thoughts….

What kind of thinking patterns you have? Is it linear? Is it circular?

Linear thinking means you do certain thing for certain thing to happen. E.g. Switch on to get light.
Circular thinking means my doing or non-doing does not make any difference, whatever happens, happens as per the will of God and I must accept it as per my fate.

If you ponder over it, you will find both are true to certain extent. In our life, we are able to control few things with our actions (linear thinking); while many things happen in our life, on which we have no control and we need to accept them as part of our fate or destiny! (Circular thinking). So the spiral thinking seems to be right thinking. As per spiral thinking, we need to put daily efforts to open up the circle of destiny to create the life of our choice. If we do not put efforts, destiny takes over fully! On the other hand, however mighty efforts we may put, some component of destiny remains in governing our life. (Ponder over it to experience the truth of these statements)

All right! So how do we benefit from this law to become Enlightened Billionaire?
Put intelligent efforts in-line with your long term strategy to create the life of your choice, on day to day basis. This is the way to open the spiral and change the destiny. Meditate daily – open the spiritual spiral – on day to day basis. This will help you grow in spiritual dimension. As both the spirals (material as well as spiritual) open, you are on d way to become Enlightened Billionaire. Please understand, there is nothing like overnight success or overnight failure. But miracles are produced by following the natural laws on daily basis. Over a period of time, you will see the miracles!

Related session with explanation of this law by RPA at Session 74B - Law of Spiral Growth - YouTube

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

List of Weekly Session Videos

6-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-25, 26-30, 31-35, 36-40, 41-45, 46-50, 51-55,56-60,61-65

Session Number
DateTopicDescriptionYouTube Link

Session Number 6 - 10
620th June,2020Ego Annihilation TechniquesRPA will teach a few techniques to annihilate Ego.
727th June,2020Instant Energy Booster TechniqueRPA will teach a breathing exercise to instantly increase energy
8A4th July,2020Left Brain, Right Brain & Mid Brain Activation TechniqueRPA will explain and teach breathing exercises to shift energy between left and right brain and also how to activate mid brain.-
8B4th July,2020Left Brain, Right Brain & Mid Brain Activation TechniqueRPA will explain and teach breathing exercises to shift energy between left and right brain and also how to activate mid brain.
9A11th July,2020How to align with energy and start your dayRPA will explain and teach a Swara Yoga technique to start your day, align with the natural energy and make it favorable for you.
9B11th July,2020How to align with energy and start your dayRPA will explain and teach a Swara Yoga technique to start your day, align with the natural energy and make it favorable for you.-
10A18th July,2020How to block negativity from othersRPA will explain and teach a technique to block negative energy from others.
10B18th July,2020How to block negativity from othersRPA will explain and teach a technique to block negative energy from others.-

Session Number 11 - 15
11A25th July,2020How to clean negativity of a house/officeRPA will explain and teach a technique to clean negative energy from a house / office.
11B25th July,2020How to clean negativity of a house/officeRPA will explain and teach a technique to clean negative energy from a house / office.-
12A1st August,2020How to increase Kundalini energy flowRPA will explain and teach a technique to increase Kundalini energy flow through spine.
12B1st August,2020How to increase Kundalini energy flowRPA will explain and teach a technique to increase Kundalini energy flow through spine.
13A8th August,2020Learning Suprasant KriyaRPA will explain and teach a technique called "Suprasant Kriya" to enter into 'No Thought Zone'.
13B8th August,2020Learning Suprasant KriyaRPA will explain and teach a technique called "Suprasant Kriya" to enter into 'No Thought Zone'.
14A15th August,2020Learning a technique to burn calorie fasterRPA will explain and teach a technique which will help one burn calorie multiple times (up to x15) faster during any physical exercise.
14B15th August,2020Learning a technique to burn calorie fasterRPA will explain and teach a technique which will help one burn calorie multiple times (up to x15) faster during any physical exercise.
15A22nd August,2020Learning a technique to open up heart to experience universal loveRPA will explain and teach a technique which will open up heart on pranic level to clear all emotional blocks and experience universal love and compassion
15B22nd August,2020Learning a technique to open up heart to experience universal loveRPA will explain and teach a technique which will open up heart on pranic level to clear all emotional blocks and experience universal love and compassion

Session Number 16 - 20
16A29th August,2020Learning a technique to enhance power of third eyeRPA will explain and teach a technique which will give power boost to third eye. This will awaken a seeker towards higher dimensional consciousness.
16B29th August,2020Learning a technique to enhance power of third eyeRPA will explain and teach a technique which will give power boost to third eye. This will awaken a seeker towards higher dimensional consciousness.
17A5th September, 2020 Learning how to "color charge" waterRPA will explain how to charge water with a chakra color and use it for specific health purposes-
17B5th September, 2020 Learning how to "color charge" waterRPA will explain how to charge water with a chakra color and use it for specific health purposes-
18A12th September, 2020 Learning about brain waveRPA will explain what is brain wave patterns and their importance to understand state of human being-
18B12th September, 2020 Learning about brain waveRPA will explain what is brain wave patterns and their importance to understand state of human being
19A19th September, 2020 Learning "Holistic Exercises" (Part-1)RPA will explain and teach "Holistic Exercises" for legs and waist.Demonstration:
19B19th September, 2020 Learning "Holistic Exercises" (Part-1)RPA will explain and teach "Holistic Exercises" for legs and waist.Theoretical session:
20A26th September, 2020 Learning "Holistic Exercises" (Part-2)RPA will explain and teach "Holistic Exercises" for upper part of the body.Theoretical session:
20B26th September, 2020 Learning "Holistic Exercises" (Part-2)RPA will explain and teach "Holistic Exercises" for upper part of the body.Demonstration:

Session Number 21 - 25
21A3rd October, 2020Learning "Holistic Exercises" (Part-3)RPA will explain and teach "Holistic Exercises" related to breathing.Theoretical session:
21B3rd October, 2020Learning "Holistic Exercises" (Part-3)RPA will explain and teach "Holistic Exercises" related to breathing.Demonstration(Part 3A):
22A10th October, 2020Learning about "Trio Dissolution"RPA will explain what is 'Trio' or 'Trikuti' on spiritual path and How "Trio Dissolution" happens.
22B10th October, 2020Learning about "Trio Dissolution"RPA will explain what is 'Trio' or 'Trikuti' on spiritual path and How "Trio Dissolution" happens.-
23A17th October, 2020Learning about "Blind Spot"RPA will explain what is "Blind Spot" and how one can get out of it through spiritual tools.
23B17th October, 2020Learning about "Blind Spot"RPA will explain what is "Blind Spot" and how one can get out of it through spiritual tools.
24A24th October, 2020Learning about "Subconscious Patterns"RPA will explain what is "Subconscious Patterns" and how one can get out of it through spiritual tools.-
24B24th October, 2020Learning about "Subconscious Patterns"RPA will explain what is "Subconscious Patterns" and how one can get out of it through spiritual tools.-
25A31st October, 2020Learning what is "Shree Vidya"RPA will explain what is "Shree Vidya" or knowledge of wealth creation as per scriptures.
25B31st October, 2020Learning what is "Shree Vidya"RPA will explain what is "Shree Vidya" or knowledge of wealth creation as per scriptures.

Session Number 26 - 30
26A7th November, 2020 Attitude Development on Spiritual JourneyRPA will explain the qualities and attitudes That have to be developed by a seeker on spiritual journey
26B7th November, 2020 Attitude Development on Spiritual JourneyRPA will explain the qualities and attitudes That have to be developed by a seeker on spiritual journey
27A14th November, 2020 Attitude Development (Part-2)RPA will continue the explaination on the qualities and attitudes That have to be developed by a seeker on spiritual journey
27B14th November, 2020 Attitude Development (Part-2)RPA will continue the explaination on the qualities and attitudes That have to be developed by a seeker on spiritual journey
28A21st November, 2020 Attitude Development (Part-3)RPA will continue the explaination on the qualities and attitudes That have to be developed by a seeker on spiritual journey
28B21st November, 2020 Attitude Development (Part-3)RPA will continue the explaination on the qualities and attitudes That have to be developed by a seeker on spiritual journey
29A28th November, 2020 Attitude Development on Spiritual Path (Part-4)RPA will continue the explaination on the qualities and attitudes That have to be developed by a seeker on spiritual journey
29B28th November, 2020 Attitude Development on Spiritual Path (Part-4)RPA will continue the explaination on the qualities and attitudes That have to be developed by a seeker on spiritual journey
30A5th December, 2020 Attitude Development on Spiritual Path (Part-5)In this session, RPA discusses "attitude of letting go and embracing the new" and "expectation to watchfulness" in details and answers the questions of the seekers.
30B5th December, 2020 Attitude Development on Spiritual Path (Part-5)In this session, RPA discusses "attitude of letting go and embracing the new" and "expectation to watchfulness" in details and answers the questions of the seekers.

Session Number 31 - 35
31A12th December, 2020 Panch Kosha and 7 Body System.In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) describes what is "Panch Kosha" as mentioned in the scriptures in detail. He further explains complete "7 Body System" of a human being, their role on spiritual journey of an individual and also answers the questions of the seekers.
31B12th December, 2020 Panch Kosha and 7 Body System.In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) describes what is "Panch Kosha" as mentioned in the scriptures in detail. He further explains complete "7 Body System" of a human being, their role on spiritual journey of an individual and also answers the questions of the seekers.
32A19th December, 2020 Meaning of "Soul" and it's journey on planet Earth.In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) describes what is "Soul" and it’s individual spiritual journey on planet Earth. He also answers the questions of the seekers.
32B19th December, 2020 Meaning of "Soul" and it's journey on planet Earth.In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) describes what is "Soul" and it’s individual spiritual journey on planet Earth. He also answers the questions of the seekers.
33A26th December, 2020 Law of Karma.In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) describes what is "Law of Karma", why Karma generates, different types of Karma, how to settle Karmic accounts and what is "Karmakshalan".
33B26th December, 2020 Law of Karma.In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) describes what is "Law of Karma", why Karma generates, different types of Karma, how to settle Karmic accounts and what is "Karmakshalan".
34A2nd January, 2021 Message for New Year 2021.In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) describes the energy transition in 2021. He further explains the potential for humanity at collective level and Strategy for individual life transformation.
34B2nd January, 2021 Message for New Year 2021.In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) describes the energy transition in 2021. He further explains the potential for humanity at collective level and Strategy for individual life transformation.
35A9th January,2021Layers of the mindIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what are conscious, unconscious, subconscious and superconscious minds. He further explains how these are related and how they impact human life.
35B9th January,2021Layers of the mindIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what are conscious, unconscious, subconscious and superconscious minds. He further explains how these are related and how they impact human life.

Session Number 36 - 40
36A16th January, 2021 Interrelation between Mind, Body and SoulIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains the state of body during different states of mind and The role of soul at each state.
36B16th January, 2021 Interrelation between Mind, Body and SoulIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains the state of body during different states of mind and The role of soul at each state.
37A23rd January, 2021Stages of Spiritual AwakeningIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) describes the process of Spiritual Awakening. He further explains stages one passes through before Enlightenment and journey beyond Enlightenment.
37B23rd January, 2021Stages of Spiritual AwakeningIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) describes the process of Spiritual Awakening. He further explains stages one passes through before Enlightenment and journey beyond Enlightenment.
38A30th January, 2021How Healing HappensIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what is spiritual healing, Various healing processes, How to receive healing and role of the healer.
38B30th January, 2021How Healing HappensThis session is a repeat of session 38A. In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what is spiritual healing, Various healing processes, How to receive healing and role of the healer
39A6th February, 2021Desires - Karmic Traps and Spiritual RescueIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) will explain how desires create karmic entanglements and how Such karmic traps become obstacle to spiritual growth. RPA will also teach spiritual techniques to overcome such traps and lead a liberated life.
39B6th February, 2021Desires - Karmic Traps and Spiritual RescueThis session is a repeat of session 39A. In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) will explain how desires create karmic entanglements and how Such karmic traps become obstacle to spiritual growth. RPA will also teach spiritual techniques to overcome such traps and lead a liberated life
40A13th February, 2021 Ego vs. Self RespectIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) will explain the difference between Ego and Self Respect. He further clarifies why Ego has to be dropped on the spiritual path and not Self Respect.
40B13th February, 2021 Ego vs. Self RespectThis session is a repeat of session 40A. In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) will explain the difference between Ego and Self Respect. He further clarifies why Ego has to be dropped on the spiritual path and not Self Respect.
41A20th February, 2021Miracle of NOW MomentIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) will explain what is NOW moment, what is the significance of NOW moment on spiritual path, how to get into NOW and what is "Eternal NOW".

Session Number 41 - 45
41B20th February, 2021Miracle of NOW MomentThis session is a repeat of session 41A. In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) will explain what is NOW moment, what is the significance of NOW moment on spiritual path, how to get into NOW and what is "Eternal NOW".
42A27th February, 2021Dark Energy Cleansing.In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) will explain the way in which dark energies induce negativity in our lives and how to clean these energies by using spiritual power.
42B27th February, 2021Dark Energy Cleansing.This session is a repeat of session 42A. In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) will explain the way in which dark energies induce negativity in our lives and how to clean these energies by using spiritual power.
43A6th March, 2021Feel Intuitively Before You ActIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) describes that the popular notion "Think before you act" is not applicable in higher dimensional living, as there is no ego mind to inject thoughts. He further clarifies that we have to learn to live life with "intuitive feelings" coming from inner knowing of our soul consciousness. RPA will explain in detail on how to upgrade our understanding on this.
43B6th March, 2021Feel Intuitively Before You Act(Partial Recording)This session is a repeat of session 43A. In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) describes that the popular notion "Think before you act" is not applicable in higher dimensional living, as there is no ego mind to inject thoughts. He further clarifies that we have to learn to live life with "intuitive feelings" coming from inner knowing of our soul consciousness. RPA will explain in detail on how to upgrade our understanding on this.
44A13th March, 2021Awakening Self LoveIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what is "Self Love" and it’s importance. RPA also teaches how to awaken "Self Love" as a powerful spiritual tool to transform life.
44B13th March, 2021Awakening Self LoveThis session is a repeat of session 44A. In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what is "Self Love" and it’s importance. RPA also teaches how to awaken "Self Love" as a powerful spiritual tool to transform life.
45A20th March, 2021"Maya"- the Curtain of Illusion Between Duality and Unity ConsciousnessIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what is "Maya", "Duality Consciousness" and "Unity Consciousness", as the purpose of human journey is to lift the curtain of illusion and have direct experience of the "Truth".
45B20th March, 2021"Maya"- the Curtain of Illusion Between Duality and Unity ConsciousnessThis session is a repeat of session 45A. In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what is "Maya", "Duality Consciousness" and "Unity Consciousness", as the purpose of human journey is to lift the curtain of illusion and have direct experience of the "Truth".

Session Number 46 - 50
46A27th March, 2021Sakshi Bhav- the Power of Witness ConsciousnessIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what is "Sakshi Bhav". RPA also guides us on how to unleash the power of Witness Consciousness and apply it for our spiritual growth, which will help us to live life under constant vigilance of our Higher Self.
46B27th March, 2021Sakshi Bhav- the Power of Witness ConsciousnessThis session is a repeat of session 46A. In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what is "Sakshi Bhav". RPA also guides us on how to unleash the power of Witness Consciousness and apply it for our spiritual growth, which will help us to live life under constant vigilance of our Higher Self.
47A3rd April, 2021Relationship Lessons and Transforming Life through "Detached Attachment"In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what are relationship lessons as per our soul's plan and How to settle karmic accounts with all our relationships in this life. RPA also teaches what is spiritual tool of "detached attachment" and how it can transform our lives.
47B4th April, 2021Relationship Lessons and Transforming Life through "Detached Attachment"This session is a repeat of session 47A. In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what are relationship lessons as per our soul's plan and How to settle karmic accounts with all our relationships in this life. RPA also teaches what is spiritual tool of "detached attachment" and how it can transform our lives.
48A10th April, 2021Free Will and DestinyIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what is "Free Will" and how it works. He further describes What is the role of soul's plan in determining our destiny and if our destiny is fixed or it can be changed through free will.
48B10th April, 2021Free Will and DestinyThis session is a repeat of session 48A. In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what is "Free Will" and how it works. He further describes What is the role of soul's plan in determining our destiny and if our destiny is fixed or it can be changed through free will.
49A17th April, 2021Loving Chakra MeditationIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what is "Loving Chakra Meditation" and teaches how to practice it. RPA further explains the significance of this technique, to tune into the current divine feminine energy of Mother Earth.
49B17th April, 2021Loving Chakra MeditationThis session is a repeat of session 49A. In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what is "Loving Chakra Meditation" and teaches how to practice it. RPA further explains the significance of this technique, to tune into the current divine feminine energy of Mother Earth.
50A24th April, 2021Understanding of "God"One of the most used term by human beings is "God". However meaning of "God" is different for each religion, each culture, each age, each geographical area, each family, and even for each person. In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains why there is so much variance in understanding of "God". RPA also shares spiritual insights and experiential understanding in this regard.
50B24th April, 2021Understanding of "God"This session is a repeat of session 50A. One of the most used term by human beings is "God". However meaning of "God" is different for each religion, each culture, each age, each geographical area, each family, and even for each person. In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains why there is so much variance in understanding of "God". RPA also shares spiritual insights and experiential understanding in this regard.

Session Number 51 - 55
51A1st May, 2021Awareness of "Who am I"Our spiritual journey truely starts with search for meaning of "Who am I ?". The response for this question varies with various levels of awareness. in this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains the evolution of inner responses one gets to this question as awareness grows.
51B1st May, 2021Awareness of "Who am I"This session is a repeat of session 51A. Our spiritual journey truely starts with search for meaning of "Who am I ?". The response for this question varies with various levels of awareness. in this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains the evolution of inner responses one gets to this question as awareness grows.not recorded due to technical issue
52A8th May, 2021Inner Knowingness and OmniscienceAnswers to all our questions and solution to all our problems can be found within us through "Inner Knowingness". in this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains how this state can be attained by tuning into the "Omniscience" of Universal Consciousness.
52B8th May, 2021Inner Knowingness and OmniscienceThis session is a repeat of session 52A. Answers to all our questions and solution to all our problems can be found within us through "Inner Knowingness". in this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains how this state can be attained by tuning into the "Omniscience" of Universal Consciousness.
53A15th May, 2021Guidance from Higher DimensionIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what are "Higher Dimensional Beings" and How to contact them. Once communication channel is established, we can download universal knowledge, obtain guidance, request healing and so on during meditation.
53B15th May, 2021Guidance from Higher DimensionThis session is a repeat of session 53A. In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains what are "Higher Dimensional Beings" and How to contact them. Once communication channel is established, we can download universal knowledge, obtain guidance, request healing and so on during meditation.
54A22nd May, 2021Operating Principles on Mother EarthIn this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains the current energy shift on Mother Earth. He further describes What are Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine energies and What are the operating principles of conscious human beings in this new energy domain.
54B22nd May, 2021Operating Principles on Mother EarthThis session is a repeat of session 54A. In this session, Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti(RPA) explains the current energy shift on Mother Earth. He further describes What are Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine energies and What are the operating principles of conscious human beings in this new energy domain.
55A29th May, 2021Past Lives and Karmic AccountsRPA will share his past life experiences. How karmik accounts work and why they spread over multiple lifetimes. How karmic accounts get settled. What are the spiritual tools to neutralize karmic debt and not to get trapped into new karmic cycle.
55B29th May, 2021Past Lives and Karmic AccountsRPA will share his past life experiences. How karmik accounts work and why they spread over multiple lifetimes. How karmic accounts get settled. What are the spiritual tools to neutralize karmic debt and not to get trapped into new karmic cycle.

Session Number 56 - 60
56A5th June, 2021"Butterfly Energy" - Total Transformation and Renewal TimeNow it is time for "renewal" in of all our lives. Therefore our old way of life is going away. This is to create space and put us into the track for completely new and wonderful life. Trust this "transformation" is as per divine plan and needed for our ultimate good. This process is like the caterpillar breaking the cocoon and come out as beautiful butterfly
57A12th June, 2021Miraculous Entry Happens at the Darkest HourAt the darkest hour of life, when nothing works, everything in our life is falling apart, lot of unknowns, full of uncertainty, etc. we need to surrender and let the universe take over. Because these is exactly the environment where unexpected and unexplainable miracles can enter into our lives. We need to maintain our stillness with gratitude and allow divine to manifest miraculous possibilities, which lead us towards our highest version.
58A19th June, 2021Dimensions and Role of Time and SpaceRPA will explain the attributes of higher dimensions where there is no time and space. Also the reason why time and space are created in third dimensional reality. The understanding will be given on "unity consciousness" which governs the higher dimensions. Whereas "duality consciousness" which runs the practical reality.
59A26th June, 2021Poverty Consciousness to Abundance ConsciousnessMost of the people are operating from "Poverty Consciousness" ignorantly. These are coming from conditionings and patterns of mind. RPA will explain what is "Abundance Consciousness". How one can transform from poverty to abundance consciousness and manifest multi-dimensional prosperity in life.
60A3rd July, 2021Power of Acceptance of What IsMost of us are looking for living a better life. This is normal human nature to thrive for growth and prosperity. However most of us do not accept the reality and hoping for better things to happen. In fact this attitude of non-acceptance of "What Is" become obstacle to manifest any new things in life. RPA will explain the how to use unconditional "Acceptance" as the key to progress in life.

Session Number 61 - 65
61A10th July, 2021Source of Knowledge and Knowingness"Knowingness" is a spiritual quality developed within, whereas "knowledge" is what one gathers from external sources. RPA will explain the differences between knowledge and knowingness. Understanding will be given, why knowledge can be expressed in words, whereas knowingness can not be verbalized 100%.
62A17th July, 2021Life of Struggle to LiberationWhat we gain on our spiritual journey? Most of us experience life as endless flow of struggles and miseries. When we focus our attention from external world to inner journey, we get eventually liberated. Within us there lies a centre of tranquility, serenity, self-knowledge and true awareness. When we touch this centre within, we will be experience true liberation. Liberation from fears, desires, tensions, insecurities and complexity, that continuously haunt us in n our daily life.
63A24th July, 2021WeAreOne Guru Purnima Celebration - 2021 - Session AWeAreOne Guru Purnima Celebration - 2021 Session A - Aarati of Mahavatar Babaji and Guided full moon meditation
63B24th July, 2021Guru Purnima Celebration - 2021- Session B - Significance of "Guru Tatwa"Significance of "Guru Tatwa"
64A31st July, 2021Good or Bad Luck vs. Our Best InterestSomething that seems to be 'bad' may actually be 'good' in disguise. On the other hand when something good unexpectedly happens and we feel lucky, may actually be harmful over the period of time. Thus we fall in the trap of "luck" and get utterly confused by the uncertainty of life. The wise ones leave it to the divine unconditionally and go with the flow of life. They know what are coming up are for thit ultimate "best interest", no matter how they appear on the surface. RPA will explain in detail how it works.
64B31st July, 2021 Good or Bad Luck vs. Our Best InterestSomething that seems to be 'bad' may actually be 'good' in disguise. On the other hand when something good unexpectedly happens and we feel lucky, may actually be harmful over the period of time. Thus we fall in the trap of "luck" and get utterly confused by the uncertainty of life. The wise ones leave it to the divine unconditionally and go with the flow of life. They know what are coming up are for thit ultimate "best interest", no matter how they appear on the surface. RPA will explain in detail how it works.
65A7th August, 20217 Qualities of Spiritual JourneyWhat does it take to walk the path of spirituality? In simple terms in means imbibing and internalizing certain qualities and putting them into practice in our daily lives. These will result in accelerated progress on our spiritual journey achieve our life purpose much faster. RPA will describe such 7 qualities all spiritual seekers need and explain in detail about each one of them.
65B7th August, 20217 Qualities of Spiritual JourneyWhat does it take to walk the path of spirituality? In simple terms in means imbibing and internalizing certain qualities and putting them into practice in our daily lives. These will result in accelerated progress on our spiritual journey achieve our life purpose much faster. RPA will describe such 7 qualities all spiritual seekers need and explain in detail about each one of them.
66A14th August, 2021Silence is the Language of Our SoulRPA will explain how silence can help us in our spiritual journey. Also how to use silence as a tool to communicate with the Divine.
66B14th August, 2021Silence is the Language of Our SoulRPA will explain how silence can help us in our spiritual journey. Also how to use silence as a tool to communicate with the Divine.
67A21st August 2021Unconditional Love is Mantra of Pure BlissRPA will explain what is "unconditional love". It is the way of selflessness. Unconditional love purifies your life and makes it vibrant and meaningful.
67B21st August 2021Unconditional Love is Mantra of Pure BlissRPA will explain what is "unconditional love". It is the way of selflessness. Unconditional love purifies your life and makes it vibrant and meaningful.
68A28th August 2021 "Detachment" is Not Sacrifice, Rather it is Key to Enjoy Life 100 percentRPA will explain what is "detachment" and how this spiritual tool can be used to empower ourselves to enjoy life to the fullest extent.
68B28th August 2021 "Detachment" is Not Sacrifice, Rather it is Key to Enjoy Life 100 percentRPA will explain what is "detachment" and how this spiritual tool can be used to empower ourselves to enjoy life to the fullest extent.
Special SessionSun Meditation Session at PuriSun Meditation Session at Puri Conducted by RPA
69A4th September 2021Interrelation between Body, Mind & SoulRPA will explain what is soul. What are different states of mind. At each state of mind what is the condition of our physical body and also the role of soul.
69B4th September 2021Interrelation between Body, Mind & SoulRPA will explain what is soul. What are different states of mind. At each state of mind what is the condition of our physical body and also the role of soul.
70A11th September 2021How to Protect from Negativity and Dark EnergiesWe often come across negativity of people, negative situation or negative environment. Anyone get in touch with such environment get affected by such energy. RPA will explain how to sense such environment and protect ourselves.
70B11th September 2021How to Protect from Negativity and Dark EnergiesWe often come across negativity of people, negative situation or negative environment. Anyone get in touch with such environment get affected by such energy. RPA will explain how to sense such environment and protect ourselves.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Introduction of Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti

"Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti" is spiritual name of Rajdeep Dutta. He is an engineering professional, working in oil & gas industry since 1989. He left his home country India in 1996 become an NRI. At present working and living in Dubai with his family, wife Tanusri and daughter Turya. He is a Kriya Yogi, meditator and follows scientific approach to spirituality and used practical techniques of achieving spiritual growth. After spiritual Enlightenment in 2010, his Guru Brahmarshi Prem Nirmal conferred him with the spiritual name “Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti”. Thereafter he surrendered his life to the lotus feet of immortal yogi Mahavatar Babaji. In 2014 on instruction of Babaji, he dedicated rest of his life for the divine mission to spread the spiritual messages and teachings of “Householders’ Spirituality” to the humanity. Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti lovingly called by many in the spiritual world in short as "RPA". Since 2014 he guided more than 500 persons into Spirituality all over the world, though satsang, workshops, spiritual camps, video & teleconferencing sessions, Facebook, WhatsApp groups, etc. Many got benefited from spiritual healing. Those interested got initiated by him into "Kriya Yoga". Then guided them into their spiritual journey towards spiritual Enlightenment. RPA says “Yes” to external materialistic world and also says “Yes” to internal spiritual world. There is no contradiction, rather these are complimentary halves of human existence. It is possible to reach at the maximum level of each state known as “Enlightened Billionaire” (or in Sanskrit “Aishwaryaban Muktatma”), King Janak, Sri Krishna, Emperor Ashoka, etc. are example of apex state of human being. RPA shares his spiritual understanding that, our own soul is our best Guru. We need to learn how to establish contact with our soul consciousness or “Inner Guru”. We need to communicate with our soul and lead life under its constant guidance. Only then life will be full of abundance and transformed into a joyful, peaceful, blissful and Enlightened experience. This in turn lead towards ultimate spiritual liberation. Contact details of RPA: Mobile: +971566988797 E-mail: Facebook Name: Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti Answer spiritual queries from various seekers in a WhatsApp group *"WeAreOne"* Om Mangalam 💜

Universal Law 10

  This is the most fundamental law in universe and it’s understanding gives us answers to many of our existential questions. So, we are goin...